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FKF Premier League

KPL Governing Council: teams to share costs for the match officials

KPL Governing Council: teams to share costs for the match officials | FKF Premier League
kariobangi-sharks-v-kcb [image/courtesy]

According to the KPL Governing Council teams to share cost of all match officials with subject RE: Payment of match officials


RE: Payment of Match Officials 

On Thursday, October 17, 2019, the KPL Governing Council made a unanimous decision that effective immediately, the payments of Match Officials for the 2019/20 Season shall be shared equally by the home club and visiting club and must be paid at the pre-match meeting only in the presence of a registered official(s) of both clubs on behalf of the league. 

The secretariat based on the approved Match Officials appointments shall circulate a memo to the clubs on the exact fee and allowances for every match as approved by the Governing Council. 

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A proof of payment duly signed by a registered official(s) of both clubs must be presented to the secretariat within 48 hours. We thank you for your continued cooperation. 

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